Tuesday, April 5, 2011


(as taught in a 1700's poem)

Yesterday, a friend sent me an article from the London Daily Telegraph which presented the English view of our country currently. It was an eye opener. Later in the day, I saw Attorney General Eric Holder's news conference where he announced that the 9/11 defendents will be tried at Gitmo after almost two years of his proclaiming loudly they would be tried in federal court in mainland U.S.A. Later, I heard a variety of opinions on the meaning of his protestations. I was struck anew about how easy it is for us to begin to think (using a young people's phrase) that "It's all about them!" That reminded me of a poem we learned in high school. The last verse says it all!

To a Louse On seeing a louse on a lady's bonnet at church!

by Robert Burns

O Jenny, dinna toss your head,

An' set your beauties a' abread!

Ye little ken what cursed speed

The blastie's makin!

Thae winks and finger-ends, I dread,

Are notice takin!

O, wad some Power the giftie gie us

To see oursels as others see us!

It wad frae monie a blunder free us

An' foolish notion:

What airs in dress an' gait wad lea'e us,

And ev'n Devotion!

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